Yeah I've neglected this blog a little lately... been almost 4 months since I last posted. I promise I'll try and be more attentive - at least one post per month.
So let's see what 's been happening in my life lately.
Up till July it's been the conference and nothing else. It turned out great and I'm happy about the result. We didn't quite get our ambitious target of 120, but we got 100 so I can't complain too much. Still slaving away on the post event report.
Got into the nitty gritty of Oracle Text and lodged my first tar ball! I was a little disappointed with their support though. Yes they did give me quick responses, but they weren't the answers I was after. I had to repeat myself 3 times to get a straight yes/no which was all I was after.
I'm off the TechEd in Sydney from 22-25 August. You can catch me there if you're going. This is my first time attending the full conference. There'll be a lot to take in and I will be wasted afterwards, but it will be fun :)
I find myself tuning to ABC classic when I have my radio on... scary thought huh? I know zilch about classical music but I find it more soothing than some of the crap they keep repeating on B105. They are repeating so much that even the good chart toppers make me feel agitated.
I did plan for a nice tax refund... damn HECS I only got around $600 back.
I NEED to catch up with my friends. I have been so out of touch it's not funny. Yes I've been to drinks and lunches with some of them but I want to see everyone. I might round up the troop for something in the next month.
And last but not least, I discovered Maggie Massaman Curry mix. Tops!!