Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Airport Security

This is good. I got to give it to the air hostess for not laughing out loud.


Saturday, November 25, 2006

New look

I've signed up to Blogger beta and it's pretty cool. I like the idea of drag and drop on a web page. I've also give the blog a new look. The green is getting a little boring. I just need to put a RSS feed on an I'm done.

Speaking of new look - I need a new hairstyle.

All tooled up

I've been doing courses in Project Management and ITIL, and I really enjoyed them. I meant really. Ok it's wasn't just the food/ice-cream. It's the content - I almost found the ITIL course (don't laugh) inspiring. It showed me how things (processes in ITIL world) can work together to achieve a bigger goal.

Thinking back I tried to avoid anything non-technical at uni - I even manged to talk myself out of a core business subject I had to do. I saw myself heading towards a career in IT where I don't have to be bothered with the business fluff. How glorious!

My perception has definitely changed. Nowadays I'm more interested in seeing how the pieces fit together to make things work. And I don't just mean technology - it's with people as well. Yeah people is the tricky bit and I have a lot more to learn. I am not looking forward to the politics though - I don't want to get eaten alive.