Thursday, April 14, 2005

My supervisor for my honours wanted me to do some research with her that extends on what I did. She suggested that I should go to this weekly meeting their research group has. And so I went today.

It was weird - there were about 12 people and apparently there were a few new faces too so we had to introduce ourselves, and guess what I was the only one who neither work or study there. Didn't I felt out of place, and over-dressed too. High heels and suit jacket just don't go with research groups.

The guy presented today is starting his phd. I recognise him from my research methodology subject. He has now finished his masters and decided to do more research. He must've loved it, otherwise he wouldn't be back for more. As for me, I was there because Richi said I should.

I don't feel like I'm 100% committed to this yet. A large part of me is excited that I can build on what I have started, but another part reminded me of what angst I had during my honours. You know the feeling when you desperately needed help but knowing the only person who can help you just can't help you anymore because she needed help herself. I don't want to go through that again! I can't blame her - she was heavily pregnant and a little depressed. Even she admits it when she talks to me now. Hopefully things will be different this time with Richi being back to her normal self and me not putting any pressure on myself. If the research doesn't go anywhere, then so be it.


Anonymous said...

Does work have a strict dress code? Suits etc?

Anonymous said...

Hey this is Lillian! *waving hard*