Work was horrible today, nothing seemed to work. I HATE BUILDING WORKSTATIONS! And I had to build 2 today.
First there was Gaye's which won't compile VB projects after last week's rebuild (which thankfully I didn't have to do). After some series google searching for an hour we decided to scrap the whole thing and do a fresh reinstall. WinXP went down alright so I started installing components like IIS. As usual, it asked for the CD but this time it asked for the SP2 CD. And guess what, we only have the SP1 one. How can operations not have told us that they've upgraded the SOE, especially with something major like that! Reluctantly I lodged a help desk call and some guy eventually came 3 hours later.
Then there was Rebecca's machine. It had a warranty call this morning and got a new hard drive so it too needed to be built. After loading the ghost image of the OS, the thing just won't boot into Windows! It just stayed at a blank screen with a blinking cursor. It would do POST alright so nothing's wrong with the hardware. So off I went and called help desk again. They eventually called back at 4:30 saying someone will come tomorrow morning. Rebeeca is a contractor and she charges by the hour, what am I supposed to do! She won't have a PC for at least half the day and there won't be a spare PC for her to use tomorrow.
But then not everything was so bad. The highlight of the day was at lunch. Jared and Thanh announced that they're engaged. They are so sweet and I am so happy for them. Sana, being the only person who didn't know about it before lunch today was clearly surprised. She was overjoyed, a bit like how I felt when I found out on Saturday. Ah the wonders of MSN messenger. I can't wait till the wedding now. The first thing that came to Jeremy's mind seemed to be what food we will be served at the reception. That's so typical of him. But then he asked whether he'll get invited...
Hey, Cindy,
Your Guys forgot me..... have not asked me to lunch today.......
P.S. re-building workstand is the most headach thing in this
Hey, I use Messenger. Email me the email you use.
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